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MysticAIR is a fast system for logging into the Pergamon Mystic application which does not need a username or password. As the system bypasses the idea of username, password and library number style security checks, MysticAIR only provides access to a limited number of functions.

It is ideally suited for use by Libraries who wish to provide home-access to their readers, and especially for younger readers who will probably access only from a family computer or tablet at home; or, from workstations within the building or organisation which are considered 'trusted' and useful for general initial access.

Registering with home

Using MysticAIR requires the registration of your computer, which can only be done by being given a registration code (an 'invite') by the library. Once you have an invite, select the [MysticAIR] login button and enter the simple invite code to register your computer.

If you have more than one reader - such as if you have multiple children at the same primary school - you will receive one code for each child.

Your computer or tablet must be able to allow cookies - unless they are turned on (at least for the website), Mystic will be unable to record the encrypted key which allows you to log in using the MysticAIR system.

Registering with the school / library environment

Again, using MysticAIR requires the registration of your computer, but in this case using a workstation level invitation. Workstation level invitations are not locked to a specific user and allows full, anonymous access to certain functions. If that function (such as borrowing a book) needs to know who a reader is, an opportunity is available at the point of borrowing.

As before, once you have an invite select the [MysticAIR] login button and enter the simple invite code to register the computer. Only one such invite should be issued for any single workstation.

The computer or tablet must be able to allow cookies - unless they are turned on (at least for the website), Mystic will be unable to record the encrypted key which allows you to log in using the MysticAIR system.

Once you have logged in...

Who am I ?

Most home users will probably register their computer for a single reader. If you have more than one reader registered however, such as when you have multiple children at the same school, you can switch between them once you have logged in through MysticAIR (for example, to see what books they have on loan).

Pull out the menu to see all of the readers who are registered. Initially, MysticAIR will use the 1st reader in the list - such as to display books on loan when using the [Issue & Return] feature. To switch to a different reader, just click their name in this list.

Search the Library

Pull out the menu and select [Search Library] - MysticAIR will display the same search text-box that readers see in the standard login. Enter a word or phrase and click [Search] to see what items are in the library that match.

[Search Library] looks at the item titles, authors, keywords, series titles and several other pieces of information about the items in the catalogue.

Click [View] to see more details about the item. Any information displayed which is underlined is a link that you can click to expand your search.

With the item still displayed, click [Previous] and [Next] to move through the list of items that you found without leaving the item details display.

Issue & Return

Pull of the menu and select [Issue & Return] - MysticAIR will display the same Issue & Return display that readers see in the standard login. If you already have items borrowed, they will appear on the screen.

This display may be limited to what your librarian wants you see. You may not for example, be able to Issue or Return books (the librarian may possibly want to physically see the items in the library), but you may be able to [Reserve] an item, or extend a previous borrowing.

pergamonmystic/linkedhelp/mysticair.1582210200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/20 14:50 by admin