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Mystic Help

Understanding the Version and License Label

The Workspace page displayed a notice in the top right hand corner which includes three pieces of information:

  • The recorded name of your organisation
  • The current version of Mystic
  • Information regarding the duration of your license.

Note that this information is only displayed for staff users, and never appears for readers.

The Version Label

The version label of Mystic consists of two parts:

  • Major and Minor number - The major and minor number (e.g. v1.1) relates to the overall version of the software in which the range of functions and features are largely fixed. On the release of new major functions and features, the minor number will increase. A release of a more sizeable meaning will result in the major number increasing, but this may be years apart.
  • Build version - The build version is displayed in brackets in the form (1.24) and will change on a very regular basis. The build version relates to the 'build' of the current software (when it was compiled and released on the server) and may even increase on a weekly or night basis, depending upon when minor user requests, bug fixes, refactoring (improving code, without changing the purpose or operation of functions and features) takes place.

The full version number of Mystic as at 12th October 2021 for example, was written as v1.1 (1.24).

Understanding the license label

The license label is a reminder as to when the current support period for your account will run out. Usually, support periods are for a full calendar year. As the support period nears its end, the colour of the license label background will change until it is a solid red, indicating that the current period is expired and should be renewed as soon as possible.

The renewal costs for small community libraries and (primary) compulsory education as at from 2017 till end 2021 has been £330.00 (inc.VAT) per calendar year (effectively, 90p per day) but may be paid partly to Esferico, and partly to the local Education Libraries Service.

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pergamonmystic/linkedhelp/version_label.1634045547.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/12 13:32 by admin