====== Fast Track ====== ===== What is Fast Track? ===== {{:pergamonmu:items:items-fasttrack-01.jpeg?direct&200 |}}The [[pergamonmu:items:managing_items|Item Manager]] window has been designed for everyday maintenance of the item catalogue. As with most designs however, the most efficient way of operating with one need in mind is not necessary the most efficient from a different perspective. The **Fast Track** system was designed to assist in manually cataloguing a lot of items at an increased speed, building on keyboard-only data entry skills. Fast Track is accessed by selecting the [**Fast Track**] toolbar icon at the top of the Item Manager window. Depending upon which operating system you are using, the Fast Track window will appear either as a separate window, or (on the Mac) a slide-down panel. Users of the Fast Track system enter data using the keyboard only (the mouse is not restricted, but using the mouse in conjunction with the keyboard will reduce speed of data entry), pressing [**RETURN**] when completed to trigger the [**Save**] command button. When saved, the record will appear in the left-hand catalogue list and the **Fast Track** system is re-displayed ready for the next record. Select the [**Cancel**] command button to exit Fast Track. ===== Data Entry ===== It is useful to note the way in which the keyboard is used to enter data into the FastTrack window, especially as there may be variations between operating systems that are outside the control of Esferico ltd. * Most of the fields in the FastTrack window are used in the normal text-field manner - type text, followed by [**TAB**] to move to the next field. [**RETURN**] will save the item into the database, so do not use it until the end.\\ \\ * To use a drop-down menu, enter text in the normal text-field manner in order to search the database for matches. If matches are found, they are added to the drop-down facility. Unfortunately, at this point there can be significant variances outside the control of Eserico ltd. as the different operating system manufacturers implement drop-down boxes in different ways, and in fact releases. Things to try to become fluent and efficient in using the FastTrack drop-down boxes include:\\ \\ * Use the cursor **up** and **down** keys to move up and down in the suggested item range.\\ \\ * Try the cursor **up** and **down** keys **AFTER** clicking the down-arrow (reveal) with the mouse.\\ \\ * Use the mouse to click the down-arrow (reveal) then select a option with the mouse.\\ \\ * If you have typed the entire selection, ignore the drop-down segment as selecting an option will see no further benefit.\\ \\ * [**TAB**] moves to the next field as normal.\\ \\ * [**RETURN**] should have no effect on a drop-down field\\ \\ * If no existing entry is found based upon your typing, the entry will be created automatically when the record is saved - ensure that your typing is accurate as it is this which will become the new Lookup Value in the database.\\ \\ * To use the **Contributors** and **Keywords & Subjects** lists:\\ \\ * Enter the full text of your author / Keyword into the text field provided.\\ \\ * If you need to change the qualifier do it either using the mouse, or [**TAB**] into it like a standard drop-down field. To reduce the need to make changes, the qualifier drop-downs are pre-set to the most commonly used option / default.\\ \\ * Press [**RETURN**] to add the entry into the listbox beneath the field. Doing so returns the cursor to the **Contributors** or **Keywords & Subjects** text field, as appropriate to what is being currently entered.\\ \\ * An entry listed in **green** states that the entry was already found in the database and it is this entry that will be attached to the item when saved.\\ \\ * An entry listed in **red** states that the entry was not found in the database and it will be created before attaching to the item. The next time this entry is used, it will already be found in the database and will therefore display in green.\\ \\ * Repeat the process as many times are required, then either select [**SAVE**] using the mouse or [**TAB**] to a normal text-field and press [**RETURN**] to trigger a save using the keyboard. ---- {{:logo.png?nolink |}}\\ [[pergamonmu:items:managing_items|Item and Catalogue Management]]\\ [[:start|Pergamon Wiki Home]]