Dynamic Indexing

MU Users
All indexing requirements are handled automatically within the MU version of Pergamon via the various drop-down lists and multi-select boxes on the single item page. The rest of this article can generally be ignored, however suitably authorised users may still use the [+] buttons to dynamically create new lookup items.

The general Dynamic Indexing page displays all of the dynamic indexes that have been created with the focus 'Item Indexing' and which has not been set to 'Single Use Only'.

The folders containing the dynamic indexes are displayed in the list box but containing only those index phrases that have already been attached to the item, rather than all possible options. This is because dynamic index types of this nature tend to possess a very high content.

In order to add, or even create new items in the type, ensure that the folder for the type is currently selected and then right-click the [+] button on the right-hand side of the current page to display the Manage Index Items dialog.

In order to remove an item from the index type, ensure that the required item is selected in the list and right-click the [-] command button on the right-hand side of the current page.

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