Merging Lookup Items

Over time, most databases gradually build a lookup item collection which needs to be cleaned up. There can be many reasons for this, including the two very common problems with spelling mistakes and inconsistencies even of correct usage. It is possible for example, to use the entries WWII, World War II, WW2, World War 2 and World War Two even by the same user over a period of .

One way of cleaning up a database in this state is to delete the problematic entries, but if they are in use it can be a long, vast job to rationalise their use even before finally deleting the unwanted entries.

Merging Items

Pergamon solves this problem by providing the Merge Items toolbar menu option.

In order to merge the items, and automatically clean up their use elsewhere in the database, select each of the entries that you wish to merge - make sure that you check the checkbox next to the entry.

Next, select the [Info] > [Merge Items Into…] menu option which provides a dynamic sub-menu containing each of the Lookup Items that you checked in the list. Choose which of these entries that you wish to remain once the merging has taken place.

Pergamon will merge all of the selected items into the one remaining item, but also ensure that all of the places where the various items were in use are maintained and rationalise to avoid multi-attachments.

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