Create a New Reader or Contact

To create a new Reader, enter the Reader Manager then choose [Create new Reader] from the toolbar menu (or press [F5]). On selection, a new Reader is created in the database with a default HID based upon the current date and time.

Note that at this point, the new Reader is fully created in the database but is not yet 'active' - this is deliberate so that the Reader can be configured correctly before being made available to library users. In order to make the Reader available, edit the Reader when complete, check the [Active] checkbox and update the Reader in the database.

Creating a new contact

Note: Beginning with v1.0.96, the Contacts system on Pergamon MU is turned OFF by default. If you wish to use this facility, simple turn the system back on in [Lookup Manager] > [System Information].

In order to create a new contact, select the reader required then select [Create new contact] from the toolbar menu. A new contact is created within the reader record, which can be displayed by pressing the [+] symbol to expand the group (similar to a folder in the operating system file listing).

Reader Management
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