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The [Advanced Search] option allows readers to perform specific searches on the database in a more targeted fashion than the general search feature.

Initially, the Advanced Search option provides a single search criteria field into which a required word or phrase can be entered. The first field provided is initially set to search only the Title field with a wildcard Contains search profile (i.e. the word or phrase can exist anywhere within the title field).

Clicking the [Search] button beneath the search criteria text field will start the search on the database, and display matching records.

Changing the Search Field

The targeted field for a search criteria can be changed by clicking the first drop-down menu on the row. The data fields targeted can be:

Changing the Comparison Type

The type of comparison that will be made against the targeted field can be changed by clicking the second drop-down menu in the row. The types of comparison that can be made are:

Adding Further Search Criteria

Additional search criteria can be added and removed from the list of criteria by clicking the [+] and [-] symbols at the end of a row. If there is only a single row in the criteria list, only the [+] symbol will appear so that you can never remove the last remaining criteria row.

All rows after the first are given an additional prefixing drop-down menu containing the boolean options [AND] and [OR] which can be used to determine how each additional criteria row is integrated into the overall search.

For example:

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