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Report Formatting Codes

What are Report Formatting Codes?

Mystic has several reports which produce content directly to a PDF document due to the potentially high numbers or readers or items involved, and the high numbers of pages which may be produced.

These reports are typical of a Warning Letters report.

Within these types of report, it is possible to send a large amount of text with embedded Mystic information to the PDF in the same way as a word-processed letter which has been mail-merged.

In order to correctly format this text, and place Mystic data (e.g. a reader name in the correct place), Report Formatting Codes (often called 'macros') are available.

Note that typically, the main focus of the report is added to the PDF by Mystic automatically and does not need the use of macros - e.g. In a Warning Letters report, use the reader macros to embeds the reader details in the cover text as required, but the book listing of items overdue will be added automatically.

How to use Macros

Macros are embedded in the text by placing them in the most appropriate location and surrounded by left and right square braces (i.e. [ and ]).

Some Macros are complete in themselves (e.g. embedding a reader name), but others are used to turn on and off a feature (e.g. switching to BOLD). The 'off' macro should be placed where required but prefixed by a forward slash ( / ) within the square-baskets.

For example:

Formatting Macros

The following formatting macros are available:

Reader Macros

The following reader macros are available:

¹ These macros required the Contacts facility to be turned on.

Example Usage

The following text is an example of formatting codes used in a Warning Letter context:

 [f:times_new_roman][s:18][b]Class [GROUP] - [NAME-NATURAL][/b] 
 [s:14]Dear [NAME-FIRST], 
 You currently have the following item/s on loan and they are overdue. 
 Please bring these items back to the library so that other children can borrow them too.
 with best wishes,

Which produces the following output:


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