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Installing BISON

Obtaining BISON

BISON is available either as a standard installation with your Pergamon Mu software (starting v1.3), requesting a download link from Esferico support, or logging into the Esferico website and accessing the authorised user download links from the product menu.

Installing BISON

If your BISON was not installed with the Pergamon Mu software, you will need to manually install it by obtaining a download (see above). Usually, this will be in the form of a ZIP file due to organisation restrictions on downloading executable files.

Once you have downloaded BISON, extract it. On Windows, it is highly recommended that you select the file them choose 'Extract Here' from the context menu (right-click the mouse) rather than just double-clicking the file.

BISON comes with a standard installer - after extracting the relevant ZIP file for your operating system, double-click the file that is revealed (e.g. on Windows, this will end with setup.exe). On Windows, this will start a standard Windows installer and you simply need to follow the onscreen instructions. It is highly recommended that you choose to install in the standard Pergamon Mu location, as well as opt to create a desktop icon for ease of starting BISON in everyday use.

Once BISON has installed correctly, you can delete both the original downloaded ZIP file and the executable file that you extracted.

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pergamonmu/bison/install.1530964427.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/07 11:53 by admin