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ZIP File Installation

File Version

Ensure that you have been provided or have downloaded the correct ZIP file version for your operating system. All file names will include both the Operating System (along with whether the file is 32 or 64 bit), and the software version.

At this time, Esferico ltd. have released desktop versions of Pergamon MU for Windows (v7.1 SP1 onwards), MacOSX, and Linux. See the bottom of this document for minimum specifications.

Initial Installation

This version of the Pergamon Mu application has been provided in a conventional Zip file format and without an installer. As Pergamon does not require special information to be written into the operating system (e.g. Registry entries), there is little to no advantage in providing an installer and may actually hinder the install process.

  1. Download the installation file (as discussed above) – the link should have been provided either with your order confirmation, or directly from Esferico ltd. by email, but may also be available from clearly marked download archives on the Esferico website.

  2. Move the file to where you want to install the software – you may wish to place it under the ‘Program Files’ directory of Windows (the conventional place for final installed applications), or place it in another separate directory. Location is irrelevant to Pergamon – it will run from any location that you choose, including USB flash drives.

    Remember however, that Pergamon needs to have write-permissions to the database. Depending upon how your have your O/S configured, it may be better to place the installation away from Program Files.

  3. Extract everything from the ZIP file. A new directory will be created called ‘Pergamon’.

  4. If you have been provided with a separate pre-licensed database (this will happen usually only if you have had a database conversion from previous software), download it now using the provided link and copy the extracted file (with a .sqlite suffix) into the same Pergamon directory.

  5. If copied correctly, this directory will now contain only three entries: PergamonMu (a folder), pergamon.sqlite (the database file) and resource (a folder).

  6. To run the software, enter the directory called ‘PergamonMu’. Here, either:

    a. Double-click the file here called ‘PergamonMu.exe’ – this will start the application this time only, or;

    b. Right-click on the file and select ‘Create Shortcut’. This will create a shortcut icon in this directory, but which you can then drag-and-dropped onto your desktop for ease of repeated access at a later time.

Creating Your Database

If you have been provided with a pre-licensed database, you do not need to follow the instructions in this section.

In order to create a new database:

  1. Start the PergamonMu software by either method described in the last section.

  2. Select what type of database you require – you are currently permitted to choose either an encrypted standalone (using SQLite) or a preconfigured network installation using a central database server (at this time, PostgreSQL only).

  3. Select ‘Next’ to start the installation process for SQLite, or to enter the database connection details in the case of a database server (omitted in these instructions).

  4. Once completed*, close the window and re-start the software.

*Special note: Most operating systems give priority to internal processes rather than updating the screen. On occasion, on some workstations, this database creation process appears to ‘hang’ or the message ‘not responding’ is displayed. Please ignore this message – this is simply the operating system interpreting the process incorrectly and it will correct itself after only a few seconds.

Licensing Your Database

If you have been provided with a pre-licensed database, you do not need to follow the instructions in this section.

In order to license your database:

  1. Start the PergamonMu software as before to display the licensing dialog.

  2. Enter your organisation name – this will be used on reports etc. This could be your SLS title, or a School Name.

  3. If you want to initially allow the OPAC to verbally confirm searches etc. turn this on by clicking the appropriate check-box.

  4. Enter the license code (without the dashes) that you have been provided for your installation.

    This license determines your client number in the online Pergamon Hub, the type of license that you have (e.g. the primary school ‘Mu’ software rather than for a secondary or college), and the number of terminals permitted in your installation. In the case of primary schools, no limit has been included in your license, however any multi-user installation requires a networked relational database (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, MSSQLServer etc.).

  5. Select to continue / license. You will be permitted to enter further license codes for special functions, but these are not used in the primary school version of Mu. Click ‘No’ and the license dialog will close.

Creating a Working User

If you have been provided with a pre-licensed or otherwise pre-configured database, you will already have two managerial users created for you: admin / password and user / password. You only need to following these instructions to create new users (note: not readers)

Please remember that usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.

The admin user is the standard administration user provided with all installations, allowing basic administration of the software at a high level. It does not however, have permission to access everyday functions such as Readers, Catalogue or Circulations.

To create a new user:

  1. Start the PergamonMu software as above.

  2. Click the golden ‘Lock’ toolbar button in the top-right of the screen to login as a manager user.

  3. Enter your user name (admin) and password (password) to login as the top-level management user.

  4. Click the golden ‘Lock’ toolbar button again to display the managerial menu.

  5. Click on ‘Tools’, then select ‘Users’

  6. Click the ‘Create’ toolbar button to create a new user.
pergamonmu/quickstart/install/initial.1502183307.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/08 09:08 by admin