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pergamonmystic:login:mysticair [2020/02/20 15:29]
pergamonmystic:login:mysticair [2020/02/20 16:26] (current)
admin [Workstation Invitations]
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   * Fast access for readers to login from a remote location (e.g. their home), but only to perform a limited range of functions without the need to remember usernames, passwords and library license codes.   * Fast access for readers to login from a remote location (e.g. their home), but only to perform a limited range of functions without the need to remember usernames, passwords and library license codes.
-===== The Basics - How does Mystic ​Work? =====+===== The Basics - How does MysticAIR ​Work? =====
 The heart of MysticAIR revolves around the use of a cookie placed onto a trusted computer, containing a key encrypted with strong, military grade encryption. This key in isolation, even if it could be decrypted, is useless as it is just a reference to more important information stored in the central MysticAIR servers, and therefore poses no security risk. The heart of MysticAIR revolves around the use of a cookie placed onto a trusted computer, containing a key encrypted with strong, military grade encryption. This key in isolation, even if it could be decrypted, is useless as it is just a reference to more important information stored in the central MysticAIR servers, and therefore poses no security risk.
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-===== Starting to use MysticAIR =====+====== Using MysticAIR ​- Staff ======
 To use MysticAIR, it first needs to be turned on. While the [Login Using MysticAIR] button is always available on the main screen, this is because at this point Mystic has no idea which library or user account is going to be used. Everybody, all over the world, is presented with this same screen. Selecting this login without a valid Registration cookie simply provides a means for the end-user to register their 1st invitation. To use MysticAIR, it first needs to be turned on. While the [Login Using MysticAIR] button is always available on the main screen, this is because at this point Mystic has no idea which library or user account is going to be used. Everybody, all over the world, is presented with this same screen. Selecting this login without a valid Registration cookie simply provides a means for the end-user to register their 1st invitation.
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   * **SUSPEND** - Similar to ACTIVE, but typically used for temporarily suspending MysticAIR logins. Using SUSPEND rather than ACTIVE presents readers attempting to login with a slightly different message, assuring them that the stoppage is temporary.   * **SUSPEND** - Similar to ACTIVE, but typically used for temporarily suspending MysticAIR logins. Using SUSPEND rather than ACTIVE presents readers attempting to login with a slightly different message, assuring them that the stoppage is temporary.
   * **CIRCULATIONS** Default - This is the default setting for new invitations,​ stating whether they should be permitted to use the Issue & Return features. We recommend that for Reader Invitations,​ this remain OFF as users of the system from home will typically not be in a position to borrow / return items from a remote location - best to keep that within the school / library.   * **CIRCULATIONS** Default - This is the default setting for new invitations,​ stating whether they should be permitted to use the Issue & Return features. We recommend that for Reader Invitations,​ this remain OFF as users of the system from home will typically not be in a position to borrow / return items from a remote location - best to keep that within the school / library.
-  * **RESERVE** Default - This is the default setting for new invitations,​ stating whether they should be allowed to reserve items that they find in the catalogue. At initial time of release, reservations are not permitted by MysticAIR.+  * **RESERVE** Default - This is the default setting for new invitations,​ stating whether they should be allowed to reserve items that they find in the catalogue. At initial time of release, reservations are **not** permitted by MysticAIR. 
 +Note that changes to these four options will only become final when the [Save] button is selected. 
 +Two further lists are displayed in the MysticAIR manager, but both work in the same way. 
 +  * Workstation invitations 
 +  * Reader invitations 
 +==== Workstation Invitations ==== 
 +Workstation invitations are ideally issued for computers within the library, or elsewhere in the school / organisation. Essentially,​ issue Workstation Invitations only to computers that you trust, and where the functions presented are appropriate to the location - e.g. Self-issuing a book in the library, where the reader actually has possession of the book. 
 +Once registered, Workstation level invitations login as a purely anonymous user and present all authorised functions to any user who clicks the [Login Using MysticAIR] button. If at any time Mystic needs to know who the user is (such as for issuing said book), Mystic will present the opportunity to enter their Reader ID. 
 +==== Reader Invitations ==== 
 +Reader invitations are usually issued for readers to be able to access Mystic from home, on their own family desktop computer, laptop or tablet. These types of invitations are directly linked to the reader, and several readers can register their invitation on the same computer (e.g. multiple children in the same school, from the same family). 
 +Once registered by clicking the [Login Using MysticAIR] button, and entering the invitation code(s), that reader will be able to obtain access, only from that computer, by clicking the [Login Using MysticAIR] button. Because the invitation is attached to that reader, all functions within Mystic have no need to request the reader ID from this point on. 
 +If multiple readers are registered, the MysticAIR menu system lists each registered reader. Selecting a different reader in the menu makes that reader '​active'​ for all of the functions. 
 +===== Issuing Invitations ===== 
 +There are a number of ways that the librarian can issue an invitation. From the [Readers] manager [Tools] toolbar, you can: 
 +  * Invite all readers 
 +  * Invite the currently selected reader 
 +  * Invite a workstation 
 +From the MysticAIR Manager, you can: 
 +  * Invite a workstation 
 +  * Invite a specific reader 
 +==== Invite all readers ==== 
 +Selecting [Invite all readers] from the toolbar creates a new invitation for all active readers in the catalogue who do not currently have any active invitation or completed registration in place. 
 +==== Invite the currently selected reder ==== 
 +Selecting [Invite current reader] from the toolbar creates a single new invitation for the currently selected reader in the [Reader] manager. Readers can possess multiple invitations so that they can register on different computers (e.g. desktop in different parent homes, on their own tablet etc.), but Mystic will query whether you wish to create an additional invitation first. 
 +==== Invite a specific reader ==== 
 +Selecting the [+] symbol next to the [Reader Invites] listing in the MysticAIR manager, creates a new invitation for a specific, selected reader. Once clicked, a dropdown search dialog will allow you to enter text for a wildcard search of the reader barcodes and names. This dropdown works in the same manner as that for pick-lists in both the [Reader] and [Catalogue] managers. 
 +Once a valid reader is selected, the Invitation will be displayed in the current reader invitations list. 
 +==== Invite A Workstation ==== 
 +Selecting [Invite a Workstation] toolbar icon, or the [+] symbol next to the [Workstation Invites] listing in the MysticAIR manager, performs the same function. Mystic will request a basic textual description of the workstation (e.g. Classroom 1-12) for later reference. Mystic does not need this description,​ so it is important that you make it useful to staff, rather than the application. 
 +The Invitation will be displayed in the current workstation invitations list. 
 +===== Fine-tuning Invitations ===== 
 +The permissions available to a invitation can be fine-tuned both before the invitation is used, and after it has been registered. To do so, enter the [Reader] manager, then the [Tools] -> [Manage] icon in the MysticAIR group. 
 +Find the required invitation in the Workstation or Readers list, depending upon whose invitation you need to modify. There are three values that can be modified at this time - simply click the check / cross to change the setting: 
 +  * **ACTIVE** - Access via MysticAIR can be disabled by turning off the [Active] check box. Disabling the invitation disables only that invitation, and the rest of MysticAIR will work as normal. 
 +  * **I&R** - Access to the circulations feature (Issue & Return) can be disabled with this check box.It is recommended that in nearly all cases, Reader invitations used from home remain disabled. 
 +  * **RES** - Access to the reservations feature can be enabled / disabled with this checkbox. At initial time of release, MysticAIR does not permit reservations but this authorisation can be pre-set for the future release. 
 +In order to completely remove the invitation, select the required invitation then use the [-] button at the side of the list (ensuring that the correct button / list is used). Removing the invitation will disable access to MysticAIR for that invitation, even if the encrypted cookie remains on the end-user computer. 
 +**Special Note**: Changing the setting of a checkbox, or removing the invitation entirely is **immediate** and does not require selecting the [Save] button. 
 +====== Using MysticAIR - Readers ====== 
 +Once MysticAIR is turned on and an invitation is created, the reader (or staff member, if the invitation is for a trusted workstation) should be given the invite code. This is a four-part number with the only distinction between Reader and Workstation invitations is that one part of the invite will contain the characters '​WS'​. 
 +A report is available from the Mystic Report menu which can print these invitations off in bulk, in a similar way to the [Readers Barcodes] report. 
 +===== Registering the computer ===== 
 +Navigate to the Pergamon Mystic online library management system. Here you will see two means to login - the normal mechanism using the Username, Password and Library Code; but also a simple button marked [Login Using MysticAIR]. 
 +Click this MysticAIR button. If the computer has not been used before, a registration dialog is displayed with a text box - simply type the invitation code into the text box and click [Register]. If you have multiple invitations,​ type one code at a time, clicking [Register] between each one until all invitations are successfully registered. When finished, click [Close] to leave the registration dialog. 
 +===== Using MysticAIR ===== 
 +Select the MysticAIR button again. This time, Mystic recognises that the computer is registered and displays the MysticAIR webpage. This is deliberately very simple - in fact, the initial display should only have a pull-out menu button displayed in the top-right hand corner. Click this to display the menu. 
 +A typical MysticAIR menu will display the following reader options: 
 +  * [Anonymous] (only if a trusted workstation) 
 +  * One or more readers who are attached to the invitations 
 +Choose one of the reader options to change who is the active reader. On initial login, the 1st reader in the list is always automatically selected. For a trusted workstation,​ this list will usually only be [Anonymous]. For a home computer, this list may only be a single name. 
 +Additionally,​ the menu will also display: 
 +  * **Search** - the standard catalogue search function. 
 +  * **Issue & Return** - the standard Issue & Return function. 
 +  * **What is MysticAIR?​** - a link to an information page for end-users. 
 +  * **Add another Invite** - a means to register additional invitations after the original registration dialog. 
 +  * **Logout** - to return to the main Mystic login web page. 
 +Further menu options will be added after consultation with end-users regarding what will be useful on the MysticAIR system. 
pergamonmystic/login/mysticair.1582212545.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/20 15:29 by admin