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Pergamon Mystic

Online Library Management System

This public online version: 20190731-01
Copyright: 2018-, Esferico ltd.

First uploaded build release for this version: v1.0.2
Current uploaded build release for this version: v1.0.2
Current build uploaded: 31st July 2019 23:59

20190731-01 Release Notes

Type RFC / Ref. Area Description
B 201907~001 Readers Correctly updated flag to prevent 'this item has changed' message when switching to a new record.
B 201907~002 Readers Correctly resets reader list background colour indicating saved record.
P 201907~003 Readers Defaulted all quick-filter options to wildcard rather than exact match.
S 201907~004 Readers Corrected tab-movement from ISBN which skipped Title field.
S 201907~005 Catalogue Enabled / Disabled index controls with rest of controls.
P 201906~042 Catalogue Default all quick-filter options to wildcard rather than exact match.
P 201906~043 Catalogue Full index-control re-write to standardised operating process across all browsers / operating systems, rather than relying on local drop-down mechanisms.
S 201907~006 Catalogue Corrected empty-set sent to Dynamic Lookup Manager if [Enter] pressed too quickly after search text entered into index control (communications speed issue with servers).
P 201907~007 Catalogue Set focus to text-box after an item is removed from an index control.
P 201907~008 Catalogue Set focus to text-box after an item selected from an index drop-down.
T 201907~011 Catalogue Update of item barcode is now reflected in the left-hand filter list.
P 201907-012 Catalogue Right-aligned filter-list in keeping with Pergamon v2.x standards.
P 201907~009 DynamicLU On creating new item using [ENTER] automatically return to calling window with new result, avoiding the user being required to press [CANCEL] or [SAVE].
T 201907~011 DynamicLU Prevented [Enter] from creating a new copy of the lookup entry, even if one already exists in the list.
T 201907~010 OPAC Corrected [Issue] button appearing when only a catalogue barcode has been entered, rather than waiting for both barcodes.
Key Meaning
T Identified by an internal beta tester, staff member or developer.
S Identified by client or support call incident.
P Planned changed to system parameters.
pergamonmystic/releasenotes/20190731-01.1564586072.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/31 15:14 by admin