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Windows 7.1 SP1 - Listbox Check Redraw Problem


  • Some installations of Windows 7.1 SP1.
  • No other Windows release is affected.


  • Resolved - custom checkbox solution released v1.0.96.


  • On some installations of Windows v7.1 SP1 (minimum installation requirements for PergamonMU) a bug has been recorded across all software utilising the Xojo Development environment, and by a range of manufacturers. This bug results in the checkbox component of list boxes not redrawing with the correct true / false / indeterminate setting.

    While a visual problem only, it does result in users not knowing what the current settings of a value is and therefore inadvertently saving incorrect values.

    In some functional areas, this results in the software being effectively unusable due to consequence.


  • As Windows 7.1 SP1 is the minimum specification for Xojo software running on Windows and is also no longer supported by Microsoft, a 3rd party solution is unlikely.

    Esferico are currently developing a custom solution with our own checkbox images, not relying on the built-in controls within Windows.

  • UPDATE 2017-09-01 - Custom solution introduced with release v1.0.96.

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pergamonmu/bugs/windows/win71checkbox.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/01 15:25 by admin