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Export SQL Dump

This feature is only available from v1.0.96 onwards.

The Export SQL Dump facility is intended to export all of the data contained in three separate areas of the database to an external file. The three areas, which must be executed separately are:

  • Items (the catalogue)

  • Readers

  • Circulations

It should be noted that the system is neither designed, nor intended for export of data to third party systems and is available only for transferring data between like Pergamon installations such as parallel cataloguing on multiple machines, ultimately requiring a central merger into a single working database.

The file generated is located in the top-level Pergamon directory, and is named with the date followed by the area selected, such as:

  • 2017-08-31-Items.sql

If multiple cataloguing machines are in use, it is recommended that this filename be further amended to distinguish the files apart, such as:

  • C1-2017-08-31-Items.sql

  • C2-2017-08-31-Items.sql

  • etc.

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pergamonmu/vendor/exportsqldump.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 19:34 by admin