Changing the Document Mode

Depending upon the way in which you have divided up your document for planning purposes, it may be that each card represents a 'section' of a story dealing with different story arcs, events or locations. Different authors indicate this sub-division in the final document using a variety of methods - some simply use additional space between the normal flow of paragraphs, while others use a visible divider symbol(s).

By selecting the [Divider] toolbar icon in the [Cards] toolbar tab, you can turn on the use of automated sub-dividers between the text of each card when it is being assembled into the Document pane. The divider used is the placeholder called { {section} }, which can also be used manually by the author with the text.

By default, the section placeholder is represented by three tilde characters (~ ~ ~) formatted into the prefixed with the third level MarkDown header (###). In the Traditional Novel style, this translates to a centered '~ ~ ~' line on the page.

Note: The screenshot shows a Summary assembly of the test project, displayed using [Traditional Novel] style.

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