Writer Overview

The LostPlot Writer dialog is the main way in which authors write the final content of their story development. The Writer is a streamlined word-processor based around the MarkDown and Fountain markup languages, which means that the text that an author writes is always in a 'raw' text format, yet contains meaningful formatting codes where necessary which can either be translated into a true formatted Document form, or simply understood in their unmodified raw-text format without (for the most part) appearing out of place.

For much of the content written by an author, the functionality of a comprehensive word processor package is redundant. Word processors are intended for the production of formatted documentation, while the majority of documents written by authors are of a 'raw text' form, to be formatted into a final document at a later stage by others (or in the case of LostPlot, by the MarkDown and Fountain interpreter utilised by the Document pane). As a result, while the Writer dialog allows you to change both the typeface and the size of the text this is purely to aid in the ideal typing environment for the individual author, and not to determine end-point appearance.

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