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Updating the Document

There are two ways in which the Writer dialog can update the text of the Content being edited.


The most conventional method is to select the [Update] toolbar icon from the [Main] toolbar tab. This is similar to the 'Save File' normal mechanism utilised in other editors. In the case of LostPlot however, the updates are saved into the database record for the currently active Index Card.


The advised method of updating the Content of the card however, is to ensure that the [Auto-Save] toggle is turned on. This toggle is available from both the Workspace (as [Auto-Save Content] and the Writer toolbar (as [Auto]).

When the auto-save mechanism is turned on, all changes to the Writer are written to the database within 5 seconds and the Document pane is updated to reflect the new text.

The duration between a change and the update to the database can be modified in the project configuration dialog.

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