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Importing and Updating Items

Item Import Process

Step 1 - Selecting files

Use the [Add] toolbar button or drag-and-drop files into the file list to the left of this help file. Ensure that you ONLY add files that contain item information, or are a recognised bibligographic format such as UKMARC or MARC21. Select the file and use the [Remove] toolbar button to remove files added in error.

Step 2 - Reviewing Options

Switch to the [Options] tab and review the settings currently in effect for importing the files.

Step 3 - Loading the Data

Select the [Load All] toolbar button to start the import process (which will only be active if at least one file has been selected). Starting the [Load All] process will automatically repeat for each each file selected, individually.

The specific set of actions is based upon the import mode currently being used:

Step 4 - Writing into the database

Once the import has taken place, the import window will close and you are returned to the main BISON window. Unlike the reader import process, BISON assumes that all of your items are new items and that you are not updating existing records with changes.

Creating New Items

You can view the list of records to be imported on the [Review] page, but unlike importing reader, here it is just a formality - at this stage you are not able to edit the records any more.

To create the new items in the database, click the [Create] toobar icon. This will move through each record creating the new records in the database.

Returning Items

While we stated that we do not provide item 'update' facilities here, it is true to say that the record may well still be in the Pergamon database. If any items in the import already possess an HID (Accession or Barcode number) present in the database, BISON will alert you to this fact.

If the import is a batch of books from a known source (such as books on inter-library loan from your SLS or another similar provider), you will be given the opportunity to 're-active' the existing record rather than create a new one - it may well be an item that you have had before, and it is returning for a second loan.

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