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Installation of Pergamon MU

Standalone Windows Installer

This section covers the most common installation process used by clients for Pergamon Mu v1.2x (Copernicus) onwards, representing a simple Windows Installer package which copies files into place. While an installer is now used for this purpose, even this newer method does not write anything into the Windows Registry. IT staff are therefore free to move the installed software to other locations without upsetting the installation configuration.

For a full discussion on different installation location strategies, please see the pre-v1.2x installation article.

Obtaining the Installer

A download of the installer is available in two ways:

Initial Purchase

On initial purchase of Pergamon Mu, you will have been sent an email containing the download link, as well as other useful links such as articles in the Pergamon Wiki. Use this link to download the software.

There may be three different types of link sent to you:

Esferico Website

If you have an account on the Esferico ltd. website, you can always access a link to the latest version of the software via the [Products] > [Downloads] menu option.

Installation Process

The downloaded file is in the form of a zip file mainly so that it is in a common form that is accepted by organisation firewalls. To install:

Once installed, you can safely delete both the original file and the extracted xxx_setup.exe file.

Note that from From 23rd May 2018 as part of our commitment to the GDPR, in both legislation and spirit, all Esferico ltd. executable files (pergamon.exe, plugin.BISON.exe etc.) are digitally signed with our publisher's certificate in the same way as the setup.exe software.

If you wish to confirm that the software that is in your possession is valid and has not been tampered with, select the file and select [Properties] from the context menu (right-click) to view the digital signatures tab. This will confirm that no modification has been made to the software externally to Esferico's control which may place your data at risk.


Occasionally, you may need to un-install the software. This may be because you have installed in the wrong place, your IT staff wish to move the installation to a different location, or even because Esferico ltd. have advised you to perform an uninstall pending the installation of a new release.

In order to uninstall the software:

While the uninstaller will remove most files, it will deliberately leave some files in place. These are nearly always files that have been dynamically modified during the use of the software, such as the database file.

If you wish to remove these files as well, you will need to remove them manually and explicitly, using your own responsibility for the removal. If you need the database (e.g. you are simply moving it), ensure that you have a backup made BEFORE you start the uninstall process.

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