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The Mystic Email system allows staff users to send emails to readers who are registered within the Mystic system. Mystic Emails allows the sending of either individual emails from within the Reader Manager, or as the result of running a report which supports Email as a destination.

EMail Setup

Before the Mystic Email system can be used, it needs to be configured.

Esferico believes that all emails which are sent to readers should be from the client organisation - not only is this on privacy grounds, but emails are far more likely to be accepted by readers coming from their library, than from a 3rd party company who they may not know.

In order to configure the Mystic Email system, access the [ Lookup Manager ] and select the [System Information] category. Four values must be configured for the Mystic Email system to function.

Note that in all cases, these values relate to your ability to access the outgoing email system used by your library, and you may need to involve your organisation's IT support if your local email system is supported centrally.

Once these values have been configured, log off and log back into your Mystic account to ensure that these centralised configuration values have been re-read from the database. You may wish to send a test email to a known reader using the [Send Individual EMail] (below) to test if the configuration is correct.

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