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Mystic Help

Lookup Manager Concept Overview

The [Lookup Manager] is laid out in a very similar way to most Mystic managerial dialogs. A list on the left hand side of the dialog allows you to choose a value that you wish to edit, as well as Category and Filtering options to reduce the number of values being displayed at any one time (the Keyword Category for example, may contain tens of thousands of entries).

When selected, the details of an entry appears on the right-hand side of the dialog. Depending upon what type of Category is being edited, fewer fields may be made available or entirely new editing sections that are specialised for that Category may appear.

Note however, that because the [Lookup Manager] is responsible for managing foundation data from around the Mystic database:


Mystic divides the various foundation data into Categories, each of which is of a specific type (or usage). The Category Types are:

If you do not see a particular category in the Lookup Manager which you wish to edit, it may simply be that their display is turned off - this is done to reduce the number of categories displayed in the drop-down list box at anyone time to reduce confusion from the large numbers. In order to make it visible, select the [Options] toolbar tab and toggle on the toolbar icons in the [Reader Categories], [Item Categories] or [System] toolbar groups as required.

The Indexing Category Types represent foundation data which may appear in connection with a particular type of record (items, readers etc) any of which may be used multiple times within the same record. Such foundation data may therefore include Keywords and Contributors (i.e. Authors) as several different values of each type may be attached to the record.

The Popup Category Types represent foundation data which would normally appear only once within a particular type of record and therefore typically is used to populate drop-down lists where only a single selection can be made. Such foundation data may therefore include Publishers, Series Titles, Student Classes etc.

The Qualifier Category Types contain additional information which is combined with the above to add particular meaning to the specific use of that value in single cases. In the case of Contributors for example, individuals may be attached to items as Authors, Illustrators, Editors, Actors, Directors etc. and may be attached multiple times to the same record, each with a different Qualifier.

The System Category Types contain foundation data which is used to configure Mystic, or otherwise inform Mystic how to operate.

Standard Categories

The Lookup Manager has a number of core categories of information which are available in all versions of Mystic, as well as a number of custom categories which may have been created by Esferico on the behalf of Mystic users or by suitably authorised Mystic users with access to the Category tools.

Standard categories include:

Item Indexes

Item Popups

Item Qualifiers

Reader Indexes

Special note on gender and Protected Characteristics: Mystic is a library management system and it has been sometimes argued that the storage of certain types of information is not justified under the GDPR and other Data Protection legislation. Such legislation correctly states that data should only be recorded that has an appropriate use.Mystic allows the storage of such information however, so that reporting of library use can be performed. Historically, the use of these reports have allowed library staff to show irregularities in library use that has then been rectified.

Reader Popups

Reader Qualifiers


Unlike many of the categories for items and reader, most (not all) System Categories are not used to populate lists and drop-downs. Instead, they provide a means to turn on/off configuration settings which control how Mystic behaves.

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