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Crow's Nest: Create Support Report

If you need to make a support request or observation, it is always best to search to see if a similar report has already been made and the problem is in hand. Results from a search may also indicate a fix that has already been implemented.

If you finally decide that you do need to create a new report, you will need to look at three sections of the [Create Report] form:

Platform and Application Details

As time goes by, the application is updated. It is therefore important to know what versions of your own environment and Mystic were in use at the time when the observation took place. The following pieces of information are automatically filled in for you, and should normally not need to be changed:

Mystic Area and Function

The first area which requires specific editing contains location where the observation was encountered, and the type of report being made:

New Post

The [New Post] text field allows you to type the details of the observation in a more descriptive manner. On initial creation of a report, it is this field which should be used as the 1st body text of the report, detailing what the report is about.

Once the report has been updated and is available in the database for support staff, other clients and yourself to view, further text placed into this field takes the form of additional posts and observations, in a similar manner to an ongoing conversation in a mobile phone SMS / text system.

Posts are colour coded: [Deep Blue] represents posts made by the initial reports; [Light Blue] represents posts made by others users; while [Green] posts are from Esferico staff to other support agencies such as SLS organisations.


Once all of the details have been added to the report dialog, click [Update] to save the report into the Mystic database. As the original reporter, you will automatically 'follow' the report, so any additional posts on the report, such as from other users or support staff, will automatically show up on your list of outstanding posts to read on the main Crow's Nest dialog.

If you are another user commenting on a report, adding text and clicking [Update] will save your post as well as automatically add you to the following list. If you do not wish to add a post, but wish to follow the report in any case, you can click the [Follow] button to do so (this will only appear on screen if you are not already following the report).

For more information on The Crow's Nest, see the full The Crow's Nest: Observations and Issues Reporter documentation.

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